Welcome to Ruin Explorers! We are a group of intrepid adventurers, dedicated to uncovering the secrets of the past. Our mission is to explore the ruins of ancient civilizations, to learn more about our history and the stories of those who came before us.
Our most recent expedition has taken us to the planet 'Blood Galaxy', where we have discovered the ruins of an ancient civilization that existed before the violence and destruction that has plagued this planet. We are now in the process of uncovering the secrets of this forgotten world, and uncovering the secrets of a forgotten people.
We are a group of adventurers who seek out the remains of lost cultures, forgotten civilizations, and mysterious ruins. Our passion is to uncover the secrets of the past and explore the unknown.
On our most recent exploration, we stumbled upon something strange. We found a glass orb in the ruins that glowed with an eerie light, and we decided to take it with us to the planet "Bubble Galaxy". To our surprise, the orb changed color when we arrived, turning a deep, vibrant blue. We are now on a mission to uncover the secrets of this mysterious object. Join us on our journey and explore the unknown
we took the blue orb to the bubble volcano and covered it in dreadsand witch we found in the ruins a month later it turned red and blue also it had duplicated we destroyed one of them and it was bright and powerful but nobody was hurt
open the closet